We prepared for the new collection photoshoot in Central park very early, even before the morning joggers and off-leash doggies began stirring. A question I’m often asked regarding my work pertains to the inspiration I draw from when in the creative process of a new collection. Often times it’s catching a glimpse of a sunrise as it peaks over the New York skyline or pops of nature as I’m walking around the city. Other times the way the reflection of the clouds bounce off certain buildings. In a nutshell you could say nature is one of my biggest inspirations. The colors and shapes are always changing; new every morning and often times only around long enough to appreciate in that very moment. Here today, gone tomorrow.
This newest collection, titled 'Beauty For Ashes' is quite different in some ways. It is not the bright & colorful line that one may expect to see. As I began the creative process I had to do some soul searching in order to tap into what was ready to come out. What I tapped into might not have been pretty but it was beautiful in it’s own way. Let me explain. This year I had to endure one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and that was put my beloved Bruizer (nearly 15 yr old dog) to rest. He was my first love, my buddy & my best friend. I knew the day would come but as it approached I wondered if I could bear it. Not only was I losing my closest furry companion, but it symbolized the end of an era for me. Together, baby Bruizer and I set out to conquer NYC, the day after I finished Fashion Design school in the Spring of 2002. Although it was a very exciting new adventure for us, the change was very daunting and quite honestly I was afraid of how I would make my mark in the sea of aspiring fashion designers. He was my great protector and companion.
This collection, 'Beauty For Ashes' was in part inspired by this most recent difficult chapter in my life. Each one of us is on a journey and that road can be unruly at times but what we often find within the storms are moments that refine us, shaping our lives and what comes out on the other side is an opportunity to be covered with beauty as we emerge stronger & more resilient. My hope for this collection is that you will be clothed in beauty and will feel empowered and able, no matter what season your life is in. From the ashes comes beauty, from death comes life. As you drape yourself in this collection know that you are beautiful & that from within you have everything you need. You are strong, you are alive & you are brave.
New collection photoshoot Central Park
70s style Alyson Renee Alyson Renee news bohemian clothing bohemian fashion boho chic made in NYC NYC fashion designer NYC style
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Your inspiration is certainly interesting. I believe clothing does
impact how we feel about ourselves; our moods can be enhanced
when we put on something that simply makes us feel as though
we are ready to take on the world. Recently I read about how
to declutter my closets and dressers using a Japanese technique
of taking out one item at a time and holding it. It I feel joy holding
it, its energy is positive for me, and it is an item I should keep. If,
on the other hand, I don’t feel joy, then- they say- release it to the
universe by giving it to a charity or a person less fortunate. I believe
in doing so, the materials used to create the clothing, materials borne
of our earth will reclaim a positive charge through the very act of giving.
As I read your view on creating your clothing line, I was reminded of this
technique and how clothing, not unlike the other blessings we derive from the
earth, has its own energy. Proud to see the little girl I used to enjoy being with
so much grow into a woman in touch with the creative process, inspiration and herself. Wishing you continued success!
Thank you for sharing that interesting closet cleaning process Joani. I appreciate your words of encouragement:)