New collection photoshoot Central Park

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  • Joani on

    Your inspiration is certainly interesting. I believe clothing does
    impact how we feel about ourselves; our moods can be enhanced
    when we put on something that simply makes us feel as though
    we are ready to take on the world. Recently I read about how
    to declutter my closets and dressers using a Japanese technique
    of taking out one item at a time and holding it. It I feel joy holding
    it, its energy is positive for me, and it is an item I should keep. If,
    on the other hand, I don’t feel joy, then- they say- release it to the
    universe by giving it to a charity or a person less fortunate. I believe
    in doing so, the materials used to create the clothing, materials borne
    of our earth will reclaim a positive charge through the very act of giving.
    As I read your view on creating your clothing line, I was reminded of this
    technique and how clothing, not unlike the other blessings we derive from the
    earth, has its own energy. Proud to see the little girl I used to enjoy being with
    so much grow into a woman in touch with the creative process, inspiration and herself. Wishing you continued success!

  • admin on

    Thank you for sharing that interesting closet cleaning process Joani. I appreciate your words of encouragement:)

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